Monday, February 23, 2015

What the heck is a macro?

I have decided to a.) start adding to this blog again and to b.) start to include the details you need about my recipes to track your macros. This will lead to one blaring questions however, what the heck is a macro?

As many of you know I am not a nutritionist, medical professional, or anything of the like, I am just a gal who likes to cook. I was first introduced to macros when I started working out at Focal Point with Jen and Chris Morakis. I witnessed numerous success stories under their guidance. If you are looking for a personal trainer or diet/health coach they are your people, but back to this macro stuff. Since I am no expert and am still learning this form of eating myself, I am going to leave the explanation to the professionals.

The best source I have found on macro explanations (aside from seeking out a professional to coach you one on one) is this blog post. Basically macros break down to balancing your protein, carbohydrates (yep you get to eat carbs), and fats to hit your target. You can eat basically what you want so long as it fits into your macros for the day. However, if you are going to hit your targets you need to eat the most nutrient dense foods you can at all times. If you choose to eat crap, well...

Need more help? Try visiting If It Fits Your Macros for calculators and articles. You will also find links to tracking apps for your phone.

To answer your next question, no you don't need to track your macros to follow me here. Basically this blog is still all about clean, lean recipes to help you stay on track to your health and fitness goals, just now at the bottom of the recipe you will find the calories, protein, fat and carbohydrates listed for a serving of the recipe.

Now that you understand the changes to The Clean Lean Collection I hope you will enjoy my posts and will share them with others.


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